Mission and Vision


Augmented lives of productive, morally, socially and globally responsible individuals with 21st century skills, competencies, attitudes and values forming empowered communities.


To touch lives of students and develop them into creative, competent, productive and responsible individuals imbued with strong moral and spiritual values responsive to the needs of the global community.


As a private non-sectarian institutions, Gingoog City Colleges, Inc. has a social obligation and a responsibility to help the nation develop and produce productive and socially responsible individuals with skills, competencies, attitudes and moral values that thrive well in a more competitive and demanding 21st century environment.

The school believes in the uniqueness of every human person and adheres to the concept that every learner must be at the center of the learning process. From this proposition, we have come to embrace diversity of learners and to this effect we have to apply different approaches, methods and techniques in our instructional learning engagements in order to respond effectively to the challenges posed by the plurality of learners.

In order to keep abreast with the ever-dynamic educational landscape, the school constantly adapts or pursues new trends of instructional processes, as it deems necessary. It also strives to make the campus and its surroundings clean, safe and peaceful, thereby contributing to a more conducive learning environment for learners, faculty and staff alike.

As an organization that foster professional development among its faculty and staff, the school encourages each member of the GCC family to be at the forefront in continuing professional development for personal and career growth. The school also engages other significant stakeholders such as parents, local government units, DepEd, CHED, TESDA and other concerned agencies in order to have a concerted effort that would eventually bring out the best of each other for the total formation of students.


In relation to the Mission of the Institution, GCC gives primary importance to the development of an effective education that will promote academic excellence and the development of personal intellectual and technical skills of the individuals, which is a relevant need of the country.

To attain this goal, GCC has the following objectives:

  1. Encourage the students to think critically, creatively, analytically and to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively. Develop their self-esteem and encourage a life-long learning process through experience.
  • Develop within the students’ strong moral values with corresponding spiritual development side by side with the mental training that will promote a well-rounded personality.
  • Integrate national patrimony in the academic field and extra-curricular activities to further strengthen the social and economic awareness of the student.
  • Provide professional and vocational-technical programs that will aid the students in their choice of fields and endeavors.
  • Initiate programs that will develop inventive and creative skills imbued with values consistent with personal, local and national goals.
  • Provide the students with training not only in the academic field, but also in the technical field that will make them productive, self-motivated, and responsible citizens.