
The Board of Trustees –is the highest governing and policy-making body of thecollege and is composed of six members headed by a Chairman.

College President –is elected by the Board of Trustees to act as the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of the school. It takes charge of the execution of the policies emanating from the Board of Trustees and its responsibility is to see to it that the school is managed efficiently and effectively and directed towards the attainment of its objectives.

Executive Officer- is appointed by the President and reports directly to the President.Assist the President in the administration of the college. Assume the duties of the President in case of his absence or incapacity, assist the President in prescribing and enforcing policies, rules and regulations for the entire college.

Internal Auditor- designated by the President to perform post audit collections anddeposit, post audit disbursements as to validity, legality and propriety of claim and supporting documents, review and verify financial statement, subsidiary ledgers and schedules.

Administrative Manager –is appointed by the Board and reports directly to thePresident and supervises the overall activities in the campus, be it academic or non-academic. He is also responsible for coordinating the administrative functions of all teaching and non-teaching staff members. Assumes the duties and powers of the Executive Officer in case of his absence or incapacity.

Head of Student Affairs Service –is appointed by the President and just like the Deansand Heads is given a faculty rank based on qualifications and report to the President thru the administrative Manager. Assumes over-all jurisdiction and exercises general supervision overall co-curricular and extra- curricular activities in the College in the light of the College’s V-M-O.

Head of Guidance Center –is appointed by the President. Develop and implement theGuidance Program of the College intended to facilitate the personal growth and adjustment of students with regard to their academic, psychological, and emotional concerns, effectively supervise the testing and counselling of all personnel as part of the College’s commitment to all employees.


The College Physician & Dentist – he is appointed by the President and reports to himthrough the Head of Student Affairs Services. Aid the School Administration in setting up policies and procedures for maintaining and promoting the health of the school population, oversee all the health service units and personnel of the college including the School Dentist, and conduct yearly health examination of students, teachers and other personnel in the school and maintain their updated health records.

Medical Consultant- designated by the President. Entertain medical consultation fromschool personnel and students on cases beyond the expertise of school physician, give prescriptions and medical advice to students and school personnel within his area expertise, and make referrals and give assistance to students and personnel who seek admission to hospitals in Cagayan de Oro City.

Alumni Coordinator- is appointed by the President. Develop an active and effectiveAlumni Association with a positive image, Promote participation and goodwill among the alumni through meaningful Alumni Homecoming and related activities and build networking opportunities for college alumni and the student body.

Scholarship Coordinator- is designated by the President and reports directly to him.Receives, reviews and acts on scholarship application, interviews scholarship applicants and evaluates their eligibility according to specific guidelines and communicates and coordinates with concerned officials departments or agencies on matters relating to student’s scholarship matters.

The Librarian –is appointed by the President and reports directly to the AcademicAffairs Officer. Exercise supervision over all the library staff and personnel and coordinate with all the Deans/ Program Heads/ Assistant Program Heads, formulate and strictly enforce Library Rules and Policies and evaluate the performance of the Library staff and recommend their hiring, promotion and termination.

Printing and Reproduction Coordinator– is designated by the President to undertakethe printing of teaching and non-teaching materials for school use or for distribution to concerned individuals and offices, take the reproduction of hand-outs for use of teachers and students.


Physical   Plant Officer– is appointed by the President. Responsible for themaintenance, preservation, and improvement of the physical plant and facilities of the college, represent the college in dealing with utility companies as well as with other government agencies concerned and maintain an inventory of school property, facilities, equipment and submit annual inventory of school property to the President.

The Information and Communication Technology Services Officer– appointed bythe President and reports to the Academic Affairs Officer. Responsible for the effective management and efficient operation and development of the ICTS office and enforce IT related policies, rules and regulations in the College and acquaint employees and students of the College IT resources and development.

Security and Safety Officer- appointed by the College President and reports to theAdministrative Manager. Responsible for the safety and security of all the members of the Academic Community and their properties, as well as the properties of the College, prepare and submit for the President’s approval a Security and Safety Plan for the entire College.

Working Scholars Coordinator- is designated by the President and reports to himdirectly or through the executive officer. Receive applications, interviews and recommend for hiring applicants for working scholars to the President, Assign specific tasks, work schedules and specific assignments to working scholars for approval of the President and monitor their performance.

Maintenance Man- designated by the President to maintain school facilities, watersystem and water facilities, assist in sports training and other sports activities, and review and verify financial statement, subsidiary ledgers and schedules.

Financial Officer–is appointed by the Board upon the recommendation by thePresident and reports to the President and/or the Administrative Officer. Ensure that the institutional accounting system is maintained and observed, check and review financial and accounting reports for submission to the Bookkeeper, prepare accounting documents such as check and cash vouchers, debit/credit memos, and other related documents.


Head of Assessment Office– is appointed by the President and reports directly to theExecutive Officer. Manage the assessment office and supervise assessment personnel to ensure effective operation, maintain a secure systematic filing of students’ assessment records.

Cashier- is appointed by the President and reports directly to him or to AdministrativeManager. Strictly observe the institutional accounting system and ensure the integrity of collection, manage the Cashier’s Office and ensure its efficient operation and review and check collection reports before submitting them to the Finance Officer.

Bookkeeper- designated by the President to perform record collections and receipts inbook of accounts, record disbursements and payment in books, prepare periodic financial statements and prepare other financial reports required by management from time to time.

Human Resource Officer- is appointed by the President and reports directly to him/her.Perform academic functions, develop workforce plans, policies and programs aligned with the College’s strategic objectives, monitor enforcement and implementation of employment policies and rules, sit as chairman of the Employee Grievance and Discipline Board, review faculty and non-teaching staff evaluation and review and recommend appointments of employees in the College.

Academic Affairs Officer –is appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of thePresident. He/She reports directly to the President or through the Administrative Officer. Exercise academic leadership over the entire school community, assist the President in the management and direction of the academic life of the college as well as in the supervision of her academic units, implement policies on academic standards emanating from the Board and the College President and exercise supervision over all the Deans of Colleges/program Heads and all heads of Academic units.

The Registrar –is appointed by the President with the approval of the Board ofTrustees. He/ She works in close coordination with and under the Academic Coordinator. He/ She administers the academic records of all students and is responsible for the enforcement of government and college regulations pertaining to admissions, enrollment, transfer, release and graduation of students. He/ She acts as a Liaison Officer of the College to the Department of Education, the Commission on Higher Education and TESDA.


The Deans, Program Heads, and Assistant Program Heads –exercise supervisionin the enforcement of general administrative and academic policies within their respective educational programs, in coordination with other academic officials, the faculty, and the students and exercise leadership among them.

Department Chairpersons- appointed by the President upon the recommendation ofthe Dean and shall serve for a term subject to Administrations discretion, after which they shall revert to faculty status. The Chairpersons report to the Dean of his/her respective college.

Head of Research & Extension- oversees and is responsible for the overall researchand extension development of the College. He reports to the President, draw the research and extension agenda of the College in coordination with the Academic Affairs Officer, Deans and Heads including the NSTP in the light of the V-M-O.

NSTP Head- oversees the implementation of the components of the NSTP. She/he reports directly to the President but must coordinate closely with the Deans of Colleges and the Student Affairs and Services.